What to do with an ungrateful spouse?

So yesterday it was snowing, blizzard for the last 3 days. My husband was too lazy to snowblow the last 3 days it snowed. So after he left for work in the blizzard, with 4 inches of snow on our driveway -_- he told me to do it.

I had to go snowblow in the blizzard, but for some reason my snowblower wouldnt start. I tried fixing it for hours, i finally gave up, and had to shovel. Thank God it stopped snowing when i shoveled, and it was sunny.

I had to shovel our half an acre driveway, with 6 inches of snow! I am pregnant too. Now im sore all over my back, neck, and thighs.

My husband came home from work, thanked me, and began yelling at me instantly that im so fucking stupid, im a fucking dumbass for not being able to fix the snowblower, i probably fucking broke it since i just used it a week ago. He fucking hates me so fucking much, cause of my stupidity. Im like a fucking kid, thats why my kids dont listen to me, and thats why i do things so pathetic. Hes fucking married to a kid, he has a fucking stupid ass wife. He fucking hates me and im so full of shit. He just wants to get away from me cause all i do is give him problems and stress, and im full of shit just like everyone else.

He immediately changed his mood an hour later and ask me how im feeling after shoveling all those snow. I told him im sore everywhere and ot took me 4 hours to finish, he started yelling at me again, like this is what happens when youre fucking dumb, and cant do shit! How are you going to live without me!?

Idk anymore.