First date


🔷Warning: long novel here🔷

I made an account on bumble about three weeks ago out of boredom, and met this guy who lives 1hr30min away. We’ve been texting (him initiating) a lot since then and some days after texting he asked me on a date. I was already going to be in the area that weekend so it was perfect. I thought we had a nice time (coffee shop) He was intelligent without being arrogant, excited but trying not to overdo it, very genuine man and comfortable to be around. Towards the end of the date, he even admitted as to not dating online much, but after some deep stalking beforehand (hehe) I didn’t get a player impression at all. He texted me after and initiated another convo and we went back to talking as we had before the date.

This was Saturday.

Monday night he sends me a Facebook request. I accept.

Monday night we were talking about this show he’s watching (which I recommended to him) and I had the last word. Sometimes he falls asleep during a convo, and his engineering managing job is tough, but he saw my message on Tuesday. Since then, he has not responded. I hope he still likes me, he really took a genuine interest in me as a person and I did too, we laugh and vibe well, or so I thought...