Extremely light/false period?


This is going to be a little long....

Okay so Wednesday I thought I was starting my period, I was due to start the next day so thought nothing of it put a tampon in and went about my day. Later when I went to change it it was basically empty but still something so again put another in and went about my day. It stayed light the whole day which is very unusual for me, and by the next morning it was basically gone and completely gone by the end of the night. I had like a day and half period that was way to light to even consider a period, so my question is has this happened to anyone and the got a positive test after?

(IM NOT ASKING IF I COULD BE PREGNANT, IVE BEEN TRYING FOR SO LONG AND I KNOW I NEED TO TEST AND IM GOING TO). I just want to know if others have had this experience! Thanks for reading!