Whole lotta stupid😔

Reyna • Runner 🏃 16 🌻

So me and the guy I've been having sex with for a year now decided to go out for valentines day ( he's a real gentleman and he really does care about my feelings and all before I get into the story) We went to the park, held hands, smoked weed and went to his house to have sex, he had gave me chocolates, a rainbow rose and it had a note on it... I was so excited to go home with something I had never gotten before from a guy. As I sat down on my bed and opened it the card said "you're an amazing FUCK BUDDY." I saw the fuck buddy part was capitalized knowing that was all I was gonna be...I put my pajamas on, got into bed and cried like a little bitch who should've known better...I mean I'm 16 so I guess it'll get better :/ right?

I know I should've known before since it was like A YEAR.