I can feel my heart shattering.


So a year ago I met this guy. We hit it off. I absolutely love this guy. Like I could hug him and never let go... I want to marry this guy... yet, I’ve slowly started to learn how much of a jerk he is.. just an example: yesterday I told him Happy Valentine’s Day twice and he didn’t ever say it back to me. I sent him a picture of what my dad got me and he said “that’s cool of him” that’s it... he’s one to usually say a lot more than that response. I figured he was in a bad mood and tried to brush it off.. well when I got to his house tonight. I gave him the homemade cinnamon rolls that I ordered to give him as part of his Valentine’s Day present. I went to give him a kiss and he just gave this huge huff. So I asked what was wrong and he yelled at me saying I “threw” the box of cinnamon rolls on him.. he hasn’t even spoken to me except to yell at me, since I’ve been here. He hurt my feelings. I didn’t get a thank you for them or anything... i don’t even wanna give him the rest of the stuff I got him.. I just feel like he won’t appreciate it.. there small things that have gone on that has built up to all these emotions. I really thought I was going to marry this guy, I love him that much. It hurts to even thinking that I may have to end this relationship because I’ve been treated poorly before and I know this is just going to get worse. I never yell at him, get mad at him... I always just say okay or that’s fine, when I don’t agree with something because my last relationship made me scared to stand up for myself and fight for what I believe in. I’m hurt y’all... like I’ve cried for the past hour (not including him making me cry all day yesterday) I just felt lately like the best thing to do is end what we have now but the other part of me wants to keep fighting because I love him that much.. I just can feel my heart shattering inside of me...