Fake friends


Hey gorls so basically I’m kinda having friend trouble at the mo

So last year my friend (let’s call her P) left school to live by herself in another state. Now, my friend group was really supportive and nice to her about the whole situation but leading up to when P was about to leave, she was being really rude and blunt towards us. In fact we could barely even get a goodbye from her.

Throughout the year my other friends kind of had issues with her in which I found out that P told my friend that she didn’t like anyone in our friend group. She had major trust issues and thought that we would constantly talk about her behind her back (which we would never do). She thought that every inside joke or secret was about her and she was being so selfish, judging us for things that she basically made up herself in her head. So since she was being so rude to us and left I thought I would never even speak to her again. However, when she left she still kept in contact here and there.

Anyway living alone for her didn’t work out (I’m not really sure what happened) but she moved back and decided to finish her last year of school. She tried going to other schools but it didn’t work for her but now she is back at MY school.

What bothers me now is that she is trying to be really nice and everything but I’m pretty sure its all fake because she really doesn’t get along with anyone else in our grade so without us she would probably be alone. But I’m so sick of feeling constantly judged by her and it’s so awkward now that she’s trying to come back into our lives when she left on kinda bad terms.

It’s my last year so I want to have fun but I feel like she constantly ruins that for everyone and is always a grump. Idk what to do 🤷🏼‍♀️

Please help a gal out I would love to know your opinion x.