What do I do next?

Met this guy about 2 months ago. We talked for a month and then finally decided to go out. We’ve been talking everyday. We have gone out a few times he’s come over and hung out with me too. I took him to a hockey game and had a blast. I definitely feel a connection. I’m a single mom to a 5 month old. I am looking for real stuff. And me and him I feel like we connect but he might think of it as turning into friends. He doesn’t really express his feelings or emotions about things. And idk if he likes me or what. We hang out but nothing romantic no holding hands no kissing none of that. I just don’t wanna settle down thinking one thing and him be on the other page. But I also don’t wanna jump in and ask because we’ve know each other for 2 months. We keep planning on these outings after we get done with one but idk. What suggestions do you guys have?