
Kelly • Married to my best friend 10.7.17, dog and cat mama 🐶🐶🐱🐱, Baby #1 due 2020!

So the last 2 days I’ve checked my cm (only bc I’m curious, I know it’s not a sure sign of anything) yesterday was creamy and a lot of it. My cervix has remained high closed and medium-soft. I took a cheap test yesterday and today and both were negative-which it’s early yes. Yesterday I also had a weird maybe start to a migraine (i don’t get these so I can’t say for sure) but i took Tylenol and those symptoms went away. I’ve been nauseous at certain smells for a few days too.

Now, today.. I took the pg test with fmu around 5am. Around noon i checked my cervix and had same positioning and such, but also had a stringy type cm that was mixed with a brown tint, and was also mixed with a creamy/sticky tanish color too. Could this be implantation? AF due in about 5-7 days
