Breaking point

There are more reasons to leave my boyfriend than there is to stay. It breaks my heart but I know I’m my son and I deserve more. He hasn’t had a job in over a year so he can’t help with anything financially. He isn’t loving towards me at all. When he does have money that he gets sent to him from his mom he spends it on cigarettes and alcohol. He got really bad into drinking to the point where he was as soon as he would wake up. I finally said about 9-10 days ago that if he does not stop I will be done. I’ve said it many many times before but something changed and I meant it. He promised he was done and said he doesn’t want to live that way any longer. So he stopped and was having withdraws but if he even left the house I was questioning if he was drinking. Well he did so good for a little over a week. I went in his coat pockets tonight and found two travel size vodkas and a new pack of cigarettes. I’m over here stressed about getting the bills paid while that’s what he’s spending money on. He has a bad temper so when I bring something up he doesn’t like he flips out. Any advise would be so appreciated.