
Kimberly • 👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽🌈👨‍👩‍👦🐾 Felicity 4/28/17,Sofia & Jackson Dominick 10/29/18 Oliver,my strong precious boy here on earth!!

In less than a month from now I would’ve been giving birth to my son!! Just writing this has me in tears!!!

I wish god would’ve let me keep him and didn’t take him like he did my last 3 babies!!!

If I would’ve had my first I would have had a little girl and than next month my little boy!!!

I try so damn hard to remind myself every single day that god has his reasons and my little one will one day come! But as my due creeps closer and closer my heart aches more and more and have had some really really bad days in the last few weeks!

I hope that I can make it past March 13th and still be able to see what my future holds and hold on to the hope that one day I’ll be able to give birth my rainbow
