

My mother in law has always kind of been a problem for me. I'm always civil and nice because she is my husbands mother. I'm just not a fan as she is not genuine and a compulsive liar. Yesterday to me she crossed a line and I would like to know if I'm over reacting. My husband and I are a week overdue. He texted her yesterday just letting her know when the baby is born that we would like her not to tell anyone until we are home from the hospital and have announced ourselves that she is born (in case there are complications and we would also like some family time before our phones start blowing up). She tells him that we need to "get over ourselves and stop being selfish", "she's gonna tell whoever she wants to tell and if we don't want people to know then we better get to them before she does", and "thay we aren't the first people to ever have a baby". Like I'm sorry but that is not okay. This is our first child and we are gonna be a little protective. She obviously doesn't respect our rules and wishes as parents. I told my husband that if she cant respect that then maybe she should find out when everyone else does..