Toxic relationship help


My relationship with my boyfriend hasn’t been good from the start he’s been mentally and physically abusive. We have a 1 year old together and I’m pregnant now and I’m just so stressed out. He never bathed her, changes her, feeds her. I get no help from him . Like he doesn’t even care about her. He is only 19 but still he knew what would happen if he had sex. I want to leave but I get so upset because I’m just comfortable with him but he’s so toxic to me and always puts me down almost every day. We have broken up before and he threatened to kill himself and he has tried before when we didn’t have a kid. He has also threatened me I’m just scared and I don’t k ow what to do . Anyone have similar situations? I feel so alone. Oh and also even if he’s the one to leave he always comes back crying and says he wants to be a family and it’s hard to take care of him and my baby and now myself that I’m pregnant and on top of taking care of him and my one year old who I still breastfeed often wants me to get a job.