Help please


Ladies I have several questions that I can’t get answers on from my OB and I’m struggling.

I had my miscarriage on 1/17/19 at 5w6d. I did it naturally and passed everything within 5 days. I bled heavily for about two weeks so up until the end of January. I had a negative hpt on 2/6/19... and everything’s been normal other wise. On 2/7/19 through 2/15/19, I’ve had off and on spotting. Even now, it comes and goes and is SUPER light. Not enough for a panty liner or pad. I’ve had very mild cramping, if you could even call it that. Is this my period? Or is this ovulation? Is that possible to be spotting for a week during ovulation? My CM has been EXTREMELY watery and runny. I’m just confused and my OB said it’s normal for spotting and bleeding up to 3-4 months after a miscarriage... and I thought maybe it was a period but everything I’ve seen says periods are usually heavier. And on top of that we’re ready to try again, but we have no idea when I’m ovulating.