So over leaving the house at this point...


I LOVE being pregnant. I love this little girl growing inside me more than anything in the whole world. It took us a while to conceive, so I try not to take my pregnancy for granted. Plus, compared to many women, my pregnancy has been easy and smooth sailing.

BUT. I am so over leaving the house. It’s too fricking hard.

This morning we needed more paint. So I spent 5 minutes trying to get my dang pants on. Throw on a sweatshirt, some glasses, and put my hair in a ponytail. It’s amazing what you are willing to look like in public when you are pregnant. Like I literally don’t care who sees my gross red patchy face or my hair with all its flyaways at this point.

I grab my socks and have my SO put them on me, because I don’t have the luxury of being able to put on my own stinking socks anymore. Then, I put on shoes. Usually I can just slip on some flats...but not today. We got a million inches of snow from the like 53rd snow storm this month, so I need boots. I sit down on the stairs and spend about 4 minutes attempting to put a shoe on. The boot would get halfway on and then roll down the stairs. I would chase it, and try again. Finally, I have my SO help. Of course he just shoves the boot on, so my pants get all bunched up and uncomfortable. Sigh.

I go outside, greeted with a completely iced over car. Start the car. Scrape the ice and snow off. Get in the car. Have to blow my nose, because you know, mucous is coming out every hole around the clock these days. Drive to Home Depot, and park by the entrance. Grab the paint. Lug it to the checkout. Go out the exit door and walk half a mile to my freaking car. What is it with home improvement stores? You can only enter one door and exit one door. And they are worlds away from one another. This is not convenient for anyone. I start to drive home, and get halfway down a busy street when I realize my darn truck is open and flapping in the wind. Pull over, shut the trunk.

Stop at Starbucks on the way home, because Lord knows I earned some freaking caffeine at this point.

Now I am stuck asking myself, why was the 36 week pregnant lady the one running this errand anyway?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️