Finally !!!!!

Long post alert

I want to share to encourage someone out there because trying for one month, 6 months or years is as painful. Seeing posts of people who tried for sometime and succeeded gave me hope and also seeing posts of people who made changes to get their BFP encouraged me to make changes too.

I have a very regular period so after my late period in December which I was so convinced was because I was pregnant turned out to be a BFN, I was shattered. I had earlier gone on keto diet in November and lost some weight. In January, I went to see a fertility specialist who asked me to do a transvaginal scan which turned out to be good. Infact at that time he said I had a 19 mm follicle growing on CD 11 and that everything seems good with the scan. He said I had to get a hormonal profile done in days 3 and 21. He started me on 50mg metformin and asked me to come back for the tests and then we know the the next line of action.

I tried to BD as much as possible I think up until two days to my ovulation but something happened. On the day my opk was positive my husband couldn't get an erection which is very unusually (He later told me he saw me inserting preseed it was a big turn off for him, I started using pressed in December but I always insert in the bathroom). i believed the devil was practically out to stop me from having a baby. I literally cried and was angry at him for not trying harder. although in the morning I apologised for being too hard on him. I simply gave up and decided to wait till next month. The next morning. I travelled for my grandmothers burial and we did not BD anymore.

Surprisingly, in February, my period was late again. I tested on the day after my missed period and was sure it was going to be negative I only tested because I didn't want to waste money putting on sanitary pads every morning like I did the previous month. Lo and behold it was a blazing positive. that 19 mm follicle turned to an October baby.