Do you let you husband or partner sleep in on the weekend until 1-2pm? And not help with the kids

I'm a stay at home mom(I love it) I make his lunch and cook a nice dinner 5 days out of the week and make sure the house is clean. I have a 20m old and a 4 week old. My husband is the soul provider and works to take care of us(very thankful for him).the only thing is he sleeps until 1:00pm sometimes 2 because he plays video games alllll night until 5am on the weekend, I wouldn't care if he did it one night then let me sleep in the next night but that doesn't happen. I never get to just sleep in and not have to take care of anyone not to mention I have mastitis and been sick all weekend.. idk sorry I'm just venting hes an asshole in the morning and its pointless to even trying asking him again

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