Did I overreact?????

My partner and I found out we were expecting before new year but due to a bad experience with a mmc before having our daughter we told no one about the pregnancy before we had the first scan. My partners mom cooks for us and we go round Sunday for dinner. So last week I said she needn't cook we were taking her out for food. We had the scan Thursday- we both had the day off work I suggested heading to his moms afterwards to give her to good news...he got funny said why when we are seeing her Sunday???? So I left it. Thinking well it's your mom and I will be telling my family. Fast forward to Sunday and we are out st dinner and with no signs of him saying anything I took out the scan photo on my phone and showed it to her with our daughter saying she might have a little brother or sister. So after clarifying that the scan was mine her response was "oh...wow that's a shock" then looks at my other half and says "that's a surprise". He responded with "surprise" with a sarcastic tone. I am baffled. Completely baffled. I honestly don't know what to think. There was no congratulations...so happy for you both like when I was pregnant with our daughter. I felt so close to tears that I just sat and ate my dinner in relative silence, settled up the bill and then we left. I am gutted because I really thought we got on and that she liked me. I have know my partner for years but we have been together for 7yrs. I am so confused and I have not had a conversation about it with him yet partially because I just don't know if I am just being an idiot. Sorry for the long post.🙄😣