I need advice.

I don't usually post on things like this but really at my wits end.

Me and my partner have wanted a baby for years.

I was on the injection, in June it would have been 4 years since I came off.

It took ages to get my cycle back to normal but now I'm like clock work. Bar early a day or late a day never over any more than that.

Anyway, pretty much, I'm 12 days late.

But I'm scared to take a test incase I get my hopes up and it comes back negative.

According to this app and discharge I was ovulating on the 20,21,22nd Jan.. me and my partner "did the deed " all 3 days and now I'm 12 days late ( 13 tomorrow - 18/2)

Do you think I should hold off until next period see if I come on by then or take a test? X