My partner might be struggling with infertility? 🤔 male factor infertility?

So it’s been 13 months of TTC but still no baby with my partner. I finally went to my OBGYN for a fertility check up. My blood work was ran and everything came back normal. My Ultrasound is on the 25th to see if everything is normal with my uterus, ovaries, & Fallopian tubes. Praying & hopeing everything is normal 🤞🏾🙏🏾 my partner will be getting a seman analysis after we try

fertility meds

. I might be on those for 3-6 months or depending on what the doctor says. I’ve been doing research on

<a href="">IUI</a>


<a href="">IVF</a>

. I’ve learned a lot. Has anyone else dealt with male factor infertility? Or Conceived after 1 year of trying?


I went to my OBGYN appointment today and had my ultrasound. My ovaries and uterus looked great but both my Fallopian tubes were blocked completely with fluid. She said it was PID. So She gave me a shot to clear the infection & hopefully that works. I’ll be seeing the fertility specialist 3/11 to see if it cleared and if not we’re going to try something different. It’s been 14 months and I’m happy to have some answers. I also found out that I have a tilted uterus. Pray for me 🙏🏾


I went to meet with my clinic fertility specialist. She said our next steps is a second ultrasound. If my tubes are still stuffed on the ultrasound then I’ll will get an HSG done. If the dye doesn’t go through, then it will be surgery as the next step. I’m overwhelmed & just sad. I’m 24 with messed up Fallopian tubes. Please pray for me.