Weird feeling inside while lifting. Thoughts?

Theresa • Mommy of 3, two heavenly babies and pregnant with our ❤️💛💚💙💜

So I'm very active and a novice lifter. So I know form and know I'm not hurting myself. But two days ago I was carrying my 30lb son and I had the weirdest damn feeling in my vagina. Like the irritated feeling when your g spot is hit. Well today I was training shoulders and it happened again. It's so annoying. Is it my uterus hitting it. It legit feels like something is sitting on it.

I'm only 5w5d's guys. So I know it's not an issue of my huge uterus and baby on it. Lol

It's just the weirdest feeling ever. I immediately stop doing what I'm doing. Drink lots of water. Etc.

Anyone ever had this happen?