Bleeding for the 2nd time this month.

Has anybody ever had 2 periods a month?! Within 2 weeks of each other? It isnt the same as my normal period.

Im not really cramping and when i have my periods it usually hurts for a few days before! Its not red either. Its a brownish-brick color. When i looked it up it said implantation bleeding or ovulation bleeding. This is the first time this has ever happened! And my periods usually only come on every other month. They have never really been normal. My <a href="">period tracker</a> said i started ovulating today but i woke up bleeding. Its not light. Its very heavy. Ive went thru 2 tampons in 6 hrs. My periods arent even that heavy. TMI i know. My apologies. Me and my husband have been trying to have another baby for almost a yr. We have a 3 yr old. (Hes not his biological father) so when i google these things my hopes go crazy. And im really Not trying to get my hopes up again. I guess my question is has anybody else been thru anything like this?!