8 months 😭


My sweet little 7 pound 4.2 ounce 21 inch baby is getting closer & closer to being one. He has 8 teeth & got his first 2 when he was only 3 months old. He’s standing up on his own & trying to walk more than he’s crawling. Hes so grown already & i just wish time would slow down. 😭😭 everyone says he’s so forward cuz he’s moving out of the way for another, can’t say I’d be mad about it 🥰 after all he is my rainbow baby & the more babies the better, right? 💓💓 his monthly pictures are starting to be a pain to take 🤷🏼‍♀️

November was the due date for our second angel 🥰

Target also sells stride rite shoes if anyone is looking for some. I was told they weren’t sold in stores anymore but target does have them! He loves them 💙