It has been 3 days since my last clomid it’s my first round at 50mg cd5-9 I started taking clear blue opks yesterday morning and today I got a flashing smiley does this mean I’m definitely going to ovulate?


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Flashing smiley face mean you are fertile this week. You will be fertile about 4-5 days before you peak. Keep doing the temps and testing! This is your time to do BD! Good luck hun! Xoxo


Jass • Feb 27, 2019
So it doesn’t matter when you got your LH surge in your cycle, as long as you do you BD 2 days before LH surge and 2 days after, you should be good!


bem • Feb 26, 2019
Thanx so much I got my solid smiley this morning and I’m currently on day 20 of my cycle Is it still possible to get pregnant this late in the cycle