Stretch! Marks!


I should start by saying that Im not vain at all & I really do not care about my physical appearance at all, but my glowy clear golden skin has always been my favorite physical trait. I have a very obsessive moisturizing routine, I do not scratch, I am so careful & I thought I was doing okay keeping my stretch marks to a minimum. Until I walked past the mirror today! I called to my boyfriend & asked if he knew they were that bad & he said yes (obviously he can see me😂) and PROUDLY pointed out some other places that I have stripes. He loves them & every aspect of my changing body & made the point to remind me & I still cried like a baby. I think it’s safe to say that my perfect skin has been retired LOL! Also, to those of you who struggle with this, don’t beat yourself up too much, it’s partly genetics too.