Advice ladies... want to keep my man happy by keeping my sex life alive while pregnant!

So... I’m 11w3d pregnant with my 3rd pregnancy but hopefully first child... my symptoms are not terrible like some woman as in I have no morning sickness I just have no energy (could fall asleep at the drop of a hat but cannot stay asleep longer then 2-3 hours), sore boobs, head aches (I have a bad neck and that’s been flaring up something chronic since I got pregnant), feeling yuck within myself (like I don’t feel “sexy” and with the no energy and insomnia I have no motion ...

so in saying all of that my poor partner is struggling with the fact I’m just not in the “mood” and thinks I just don’t want him now I “got what I wanted” which makes me so sad and made the comment “well I won’t be going thru this again” like fuck I don’t want him to not enjoy this pregnancy coz I’m not super horny and then not want to try later on for a sibling-it’s actually devastated me!!

I love my partner but having sex is the last thing on my mind when I’m feeling like crap, tired and honestly feeling a little bloated/fat/not my normal self... so my question is- ladies how can I change this so I can make my man happy? Any ideas??? I’m thinking as I’m writing this maybe getting him into the mood b4 bed time is best so I don’t “wake up” after we do it and feel frustrated I’m not sleeping coz I’m then over tired but how do I get into that frame of mind?? What are all u lovely ladies doing to keep things going in ur relationship while pregnant? Do u set a silent alarm-is that crazy?? Im keen on proving him wrong n showing him how much more I love him right now for making me pregnant with his baby but sadly it’s not something I think about till he is at work or it’s basically too late-i will add when we have started something as we go to bed I have sadly fallen asleep not coz I’m bored but coz I’m sooo tired...

Help 🤪