Life Factory bottles vs Como Tomo


Has anyone switched from life factory bottles to something else? My son is EBF other than a couple times a week my husband might take a night feeding and it seems like the life factory bottles are causing him to choke and his latch isn’t able to be as wide with the nipples on them.

I liked the life factory bc they’re glass, but now the glass thing isn’t as appealing since we are really good about cleaning our bottles out. I’m not really worried about it anymore.

I love the idea of the como tomo being more similar to a boob. I feel like baby will be able to splay his lips out better and with the air holes in the nipple I think it will help with belly aches and sucking in air.

Has anyone used these bottles? Should I try and stick it out with the life factory? We already have like 7 of them and hate to waste them. Is there a place that anyone would take used glass baby bottles

Thank you! 😊