Late period or pregnant?! Help


I’m 21. Not on birth control, and my bf (28) and I don’t use condoms, he just pulls out. We know the risk. My period comes every month on the 13th and it’s now the 18th. I got all of my regular PMS symptoms (acne bad, bloat bad, boobs feel heavier and bigger NOT sore, cramps) I got cramps so bad one day I put a tampon in at work expecting to start my period and never did on the 14th. I got cramps 6 days before my period was suppose to start. Didn’t think anything of it.

I’m now 5 days late. And I have heartburn/acid reflux all throughout the day which I NEVER get along with gas when I haven’t eaten anything to give me gas. I drank alcohol last night and felt nauseous after one drink which never ever ever happens. I didn’t even want to drink more and I’m on vacation for 16days.

I took a test on the 14th. And it was negative.

Just looking for some advice or any comments!!!! I’m getting another test tonight to take and another one for in a few days of it comes back negative. I just don’t know if I’m over thinking it all and it’s just in my head or what.. just looking for some help