Fighting sleep


My 7 week old baby has decided that sleep is for the weak. Unfortunately I am weak and would really like a nap. At night she usually sleeps for 1-3 hours in her bassinet, she'll wake for a feed, burp, change then back to sleep. Around 6am she starts to fuss so I lay her in bed next to me and we sleep for another 1-3 hours. Of a daytime she would only sleep on us so we held her and she'd sleep for 1-2 hours.

Now last night she was awake for 2.5 hours from 1:30am-4am she had two feeds and three nappy changes (she'll fuss if her nappy isn't clean) and was upright for around 1.5 hours of her awake time in case she had wind. And for the last three days she's sleeping on us for around 10-40 minutes. I'm at a loss of how I can get her to sleep more and she's starting to get so cranky because she's so tired 😣