No judgement or negativity please I gave my 3 month old barley today.


So my 3 month old has been eating every 1.5 hours for the past month . At first I thought it may be a leap or something at 8 weeks but it continued and continued and continued . I was just and have been just so worn out because of it .

So my mother suggested it, she told me with all of her children (4 including myself) she had to do so at 3 months. I was very hesitant on it,( meaning I been turning down her suggesting it for the past week and a half) and I finally just went for it . I read and read on the internet about it and of course most pages say not before 4 months and usually to wait till 6 but other moms also said that they started at 3 months as well . So I went ahead and gave it a test run today . Gave it to him about four o’clock , put him to bed at 7:30 . Of course he slept in between that time but is he supposed to be able to go longer intervals tonight? I don’t know how any of this works. I’m a first time mom and I’m just curious on any other experience? Again no judgement, just support . Thanks .