
Jessica • ZSP 9/17/2016 💑 ASP 5/8/2019 👪 Little Platypus #2 on the way 4/2021

Did anyone have a reaction to the 100 gram drink?

I struggled to keep it down, almost immediately had a head ache, and the shakes. I failed the three hour test, however, I am intolerant to high fructose corn syrup, and didn’t know that until I drank it. We as a family eat whole and organic foods, free range and grass fed. We don’t consume high fructose corn syrup in any way unless we treat ourselves to a soda at Chick fil A.

Could my reaction have caused me to fail?

I had a headache for three days and it ended with a migraine for 18 hours vomiting, and vision problems.

I got my meter and haven’t had any sugar issues at all since I’ve been testing. If anything it’s low....
