Pumping and then going back to beating feeding.


So I am just curious to know if it is weird to start breast feeding at 2.5mo, when I have been just pumping and giving him the bottle. My first two were preemies and we were in the NICU and never really got to try the breastfeeding so I just pumped. With our 3rd he went to 37wks and I tried breast feeding at that time but they wanted me to try and breastfeed for 20min and then give him a bottle and pump for 20min. Well I don't know about you guys, but who has time for that. By the time I got done and everything washed I would have to start again.

Anyways, we were at the doctor and daycare only had so much left and the wait time was crazy and he started to get hungry. Gave hinm whatever I had in the bottle and then decided that if he was really that hungry he would latch. Well sure enough he did latch for about 10min and was content. So I guess my question is, is it weird to try and start breastfeeding at 2.5mo even though I am back to work? I have a great supply.

If this isnt weird, I need some advice on how long to breast feed on each breast and how to know when there tummy is full? And do I still need to pump after each feeding? I feel like a first time mom with this whole breastfeeding thing.🙄😳
