Pregnancy test positive but no sac

I had a positive clear blue test 2-3 weeks but today scan couldn't see any sac! My periods are every month but 5 days late which it means my cycle is longer and i dont know when I ovulated could it possibly be to early tobe seen a sac in a scan or it might be etopic pregnancy 😞😞 anyone had the same experience?

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I really don't understand the fact that you tested positive for pregnancy but no sac,how?


Nosiku • Feb 26, 2019
Yes dear,i visited the hospital and went for a scan and results were ok


mina • Feb 24, 2019
Congratulations to you too dear!!! Did u had any spoting very very little and light brown in the early weeks ?


Nosiku • Feb 23, 2019
Wooow congratulations. Im 23 weeks four days


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U won’t see anything this early.Relax.


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If your baby is 2-3 weeks old, then you are only 4-5 weeks pregnant. It is totally normal at this point for it to be too early to see anything, especially if your uterus is tilted, etc. The good news is they didn't see anything in your tubes either. My RE doesn't even do ultrasounds after treatment until 6 weeks or more. Hopefully they scheduled you to come back in a week or two to look again, and/or ordered hcg tests to see how the numbers are doubling.