Breastfeeding past one

Jordyn • 12/14/17💙 due 03/05/2020💙

Anyone have thoughts on breastfeeding past one, son is 14 months and I want to continue but I’ve heard it gets harder to quit the older they get...torn please help me out.

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It’s false that it becomes harder to wean after 12 months, it’s actually easier to let your child wean themselves slowly or do a slow process of weaning over a few months time. Stopping cold turkey can have a lot of negative effects for mom like mastitis, clogged ducts, and engorged breast which can be very painful.


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My son is 23 months and is just now weaning. It is rough but worth it.


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If it's working for you, go for it. I'm going to stop pumping in a month, when she's 1, and just see what happens. If she nurses morning and evening, great, if she weans, also fine. Especially since she's gotten very bitey. Lol.


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My son is just now weaning at 2. I am pregnant again and think that may be affecting my supply. He still asks to nurse occasionally, but is nursing less and less. He has been remarkably healthy.


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I think you should do what’s right for you and your son. I know some who breastfed until their daughter was 4. It’s a personal thing between you and your child. I didn’t bf my first child but I’m bf’ing my second child currently. He’s only 5wks old but if we’re able I’d love to go beyond a year. It’s so beneficial for them and mama. The woman I know who bf for four years said her breast tissue is really firm and healthy even though she’s older.