My sweet girl and the roller coaster delivery...


After 25hrs of labor my sweet girl arrived

6lb 10oz and 19in.

When I say this labor was hectic it was all over the place.

My mom was flying in the day I was being induced from Arizona and had a connecting flight to Charlott, NC then to Augusta... BUT the airport in Augusta shut down due to a power outage then she had to fly in to Savannah and drive 2 hrs to Augusta she got lost... but during her flight time the hospital was going to send me home due to not enough staff at this time I'm having a HORRIBLE lupus flare up and highly emotional.😔

Although, after a short while finally being put in a room... the epidural wearing off often and then my daughter being "stuck" on my left side... and almost getting a C-section... at the 25th hour finally at 9:29am our sweet girl arrived.