Glucose test or bust...


So I need some encouragement/good vibes sent my way. Tomorrow evening is my glucose test (have to do evening, don’t worry I’ve tried every possible way to get it early morning... isn’t working with work sched😩) and I’m not feeling too confident going into this one at all. Baby #2 is a SAVAGE. When I say that, I mean it in the most literal “extra” way. I have zero self control this pregnancy compared to DD, this ones a boy, and I’m eating all the greasy not good for you things. Never had strong cravings or issues with DD. So far weight gain has been about the same at this point in pregnancy but I’m in Louisiana, aka think KINGCAKES/boudin/carbs/KINGCAKES.....oh and Girl Scout cookie season, nbd. 😩🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ someone put me at ease and say you didn’t eat that great and still passed 1hr test?! Please. I plan to be on best behavior all day tomorrow before going in aka more protein and NO sugary anything. But still not confident.🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ (no judgements people, I’m working full time as a PK4 teacher and have a toddler I’m chasing around!!!)