It's Mad Annoying

I Mean 🤷🏾‍♀️ • don't spend your life being an asshole 😉

So I'm not one of those people to be like "wyd" every 2 minutes, but if conversation is dying off I might say it or if my boyfriend sends me a snap and I see he's out and about or with friends i might ask what they're doing and he NEVER gives me a direct answer and I have brought the fact that it irritates my soul to his attention multiple times but he still does it.

He'll always say "dying" or today he says "still waiting ti get my ass eaten" (he just says shit like that, that's not a big deal to me). I don't understand why its so hard to just answer the fucking question. This is more of a rant than anything 🙄.

I even gave him an example like if he went missing as well as his friends and the police asked me where he was last or who he was with I would NEVER know. He doesn't even have his mom's number saved in his fucking phone 😤. Idk if its because he's a Leo and is just irritating asf by nature or what, but it gets under my skin.

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