Good news after a tough journey!


Feeling extra thankful for my baby today. This has been a ROUGH pregnancy with 24/7 nausea and sickness the first 14 weeks. Then finding out at our anatomy ultrasound last week that he has choroid plexus cysts on his brain and a possible heart defect. My sister’s baby had Trisomy 13 and died after four days. If y’all know anything about chromosome abnormalities, the thing they found with my baby are two markers for them. Also, any of you who have been through anything like this, witnessing or personal, know that pregnancy is not “care-free”. We got our NIPT test back today (the blood test for the three Trisomies and X&Y chromosome abnormalities) saying it was all negative and normal, and I’ve been on cloud 9. I can breathe, enjoy pregnancy, and finally look forward to holding our baby boy. Today is a good day and I think I may really try to enjoy pregnancy now. It’s been so hard. I feel him kick all the time now and it’s like he’s saying “I’m here. I’m ok. I love you too”🥰💙