Do I love her too much?


Does anyone worry about “loving” their baby too much? I don’t know a better word for it.

Since pregnancy, I have been so elated about my daughter. I loved every second of pregnancy, every second of birth, and for the last 2.5 years every second of raising her.

My mom friends like to vent about the normal complaints of parenting and their children driving them crazy- and while I totally understand it and don’t think it’s weird, I’ve honestly just never ever felt like I’ve had anything to complain about.

My friends also always talk about how everyone needs a break from their kid sometimes, and “me” time is important and necessary, and I should be going out for drinks with friends and I just can’t relate. I spend a few hours a week away from my daughter for work and during that time I just miss her (and my husband who watches her). That is more than enough time away from her and anything more would make me feel like I was missing out on special moments. I have honestly just never ever had any desire to be away from her and I guess don’t need my own time, I feel like I get that every night when she falls asleep with me.

I love my husband and our relationship hasn’t suffered. We enjoy our time together while she’s asleep and otherwise we enjoy our time together as a family. And I’m really not a helicopter parent- we go out as a family, lots of toddler activities, and she has a healthy amount of independence and lots of socializing.

I don’t know, my friends make me feel like I’m too obsessed with her and like this isn’t healthy. They say I need to leave her with family to bond alone or that day care would make me a better mother or it’s unhealthy to not do adult things and on and on and I feel crazy because the thoughts of that make me sad and everything to do with being a mother makes me happy. I don’t think anything of those who feel differently, I just can’t relate and feel like she’s going to get older, more independent, go to school, etc and I need to soak up all the baby time I have with her 😕