He Keeps Me A Secret and We’re Engaged


Long story short, my fiancé and I have been engaged since July of last year. However, he’s only told two members of his family and only one of his friends. Everyone else that knows is either mutual friends of both of us or people in my family. He never lets me post pictures of us on social media, nor does he ever let me go to his house. I find it really fishy that all of his ex girlfriends have met his family, but not me, and the longest relationship he’s been in, has been with me. His dad stays with him, and every time he’s with me and his dad calls, he always says he’s with a “friend”. He’s really sweet to me and treats me very well. But for some reason, he wants to keep our relationship a big secret. I low key think his dad might be racist. (I’m black&native and he’s Filipino&white) Every time I try to talk to him about it, he brushed me off like it’s not a big deal. I don’t know what to do anymore because I really love him. Is there a solution to this??