
even though he didn’t sleep with another women. My heart feels so broken. I found that my boyfriend (dating for almost 3 years) made another Snapchat to add girls. this one girl was constantly sending him pictures and videos of her ass. Shit is disgusting. This girl knows we’re together. Why do girls do this , why do they encourage the guy. Why are some men like this.. I have had plenty of guys trying to message me to send them nudes and they have had girlfriends. I am the girl who messages their girlfriend right away to let her know because I know how that shit feels.

I’m constantly thinking in my head is it because I’ve gained weight, am I not giving him enough sex, do I not have a nice body, am I just ugly. God I feel so disgusted with myself.

....I know I deserve so much better, but it’s hard to just leave...I just want to curl up in my bed and cry, I wish i didn’t have to deal with this. I wish I was the lucky one and found a man who was faithful.

I couldn’t ever do something like this to him.

For any girl who is doing this type of shit with a taken guy please stop. It’s not cool. It’s wrong and us women should have each other’s backs.


I thought I would update this because why not. I dumped my boyfriend not long ago. I ended up realizing I deserve someone who treats me amazing and not like garbage. Im recently meeting up with an old friend and he made me smile and laugh. I haven’t had a good laugh like that in such a long time but that made me realize so much. I’ve been hanging around that guy a lot more. We once were together in summer 2015. So I was 17. I might be crazy to be seeing someone so soon but I was emotionally checked out of my relationship months ago. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. I’m proud that I am able to do life without that asshole and I am happy to be single and enjoy life :)