Mirena lifespan


I got Mirena July of 2013 and tried calling Planned Parenthood around the 5 year mark to schedule an appointment to have it replaced. They told me that it’s actually good for 7 years and to not rush to have it replaced prematurely; so by their standards, i would be expected to replace it July of 2020. This made me nervous at first but then I did some research and saw some studies that backed it up. Since then, everything has been fine *except* now i have some questions/concerns.

Since I have Mirena, my period start day is hard to determine because I spot so lightly. So about a week and a half ago, my boyfriend and I had sex on what was - more or less - the first day of my period. He came inside me (something we’ve done before but only if it’s because I’m close and him pulling out would detract from my orgasm). After that my period kind of went away for a day and then the spotting came back but slightly lighter than usual. Is there a chance that I just had sex at a weird time on my cycle and therefor my period was kind of odd or is this some freak instance where my Mirena’s effectiveness is reduced, my partner came inside me during my period, and I could be pregnant?

The odds are quite literally SO unlikely but I’m just curious.

1. How long have you been with your IUD?

2. When are you planning on getting it replaced?

3. In what fucked up world would I be able to conceive on my period with Mirena? 😳😭