Miscarry at 6 weeks



Hi- I’m currently 6w+3days. I have been spotting after sex for 5 days now. But today was different, it was bright red and started to look like a normal period. I did blood work today and my numbers dropped by 250 points. I haven’t had any cramps or blood clotting. I’m aware this is the beginning of a miscarriage despite what NP says. Did you experience a miscarriage at 6 weeks? If so, how long did it last?

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Posted at
Yes , just last week I miscarried at 6 weeks, same thing happened to me . Bleeding lasted 6 days.


C • Feb 21, 2019
It’s my second . My first was blighted ovum and needed D&C. With that one I was sick at 3 weeks and had severe cramping . This time no issues but started spotting them bright red blood and massive clots and got US to confirm mc and took misoprostol to help move everything faster . I get my beta checked again in a week to see if it’s gone down enough . I don’t feel devastation nor have I cried . I see it from the biological and statistics view, so I don’t get attached early to the point I’m destroyed because of the miscarriage. I feel just frustration because it takes a while to go through the whole process again. We are getting a karyotyping and biopsies to make sure it isn’t something serious that is causing them.


ally • Feb 21, 2019
I’m so sorry for your loss. I still can’t wrap my head around this. Can you tell me your experience? This is my first pregnancy and MC.


Posted at
In October I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and I bled for almost a month. I lost a lot of blood and I had to take iron pills and eat lots of protein and veggies. I’m sorry for your loss hun. It’s hard but if you ever need to talk about it I’m here.


Posted at
I miscarried at 6 weeks 2 days. I had period like cramps and passed no clots and only bled like a regular period. Everyone if different though.


Desirae • Feb 22, 2019
Yes that’s how mine was as well... hoping you’re doing ok ♥️♥️♥️


Danielle • Feb 21, 2019
Same...I have more clots during a normal period than I did miscarrying. And no cramps. The only real difference was that the blood was redder than a normal period for me.


Posted at
I miscarried at 6w6d and bled for 2.5 weeks. Lots of clots and some cramps on the first day. So so sorry for your loss ❤️


Posted at
Yes last May i miscarried at 6 weeks and bled for a week


ally • Feb 21, 2019
Did you experience painful cramping? Pass any tissue or was it like a heavy period?