Any advice?

I smoke marijuana for severe depression and anxiety (no judgment) I’m currently 6 weeks pregnant with my second and I was going to cut back a lot only use for severe anxiety attacks and nausea. I don’t believe in pharmaceutical medications for most things. I stoped taking medication two years ago and haven’t looked back. Sense 3ish days ago my anxiety went threw the roof (I usually have it under control) same with my depression and I’m over the top angry. I’m on a rollercoaster ride of emotion and I know it’s just my hormones messing with the chemical imbalance of my brain...I don’t want to have to be put on prescription drugs again... but I don’t want it to get worse..I still have a beautiful little 4 year old girl I stay home with all day and I can tell she knows I’m stressed out ): I hate that, I also hate taking it all out on my hubby when he gets home..he never lashes back but I know it stresses him out ): I absolutely hate this taking over my body... any advice? I also do yoga, work out, go on walks, listen to music, ready, relax, and meditate but recently that’s just not working in my current state.