HCG levels?!


Sunday I had a scare where I had quite a bit of blood in my urine. We now think it was all urinary. They did an ultrasound and we saw the heartbeat of 120 and baby measured perfectly at 6w4d. They checked my levels and they were 59,529. Well I had all my prenatal labs done today with a 1 hour glucola (passed woohoo!!!), and repeat hcg levels. They rose to 66,308. So more than 72 hours later and they didn’t double, is that normal? I plan on calling my dr but just wanted to see if anyone had any insight. I read after your numbers pass 6000, it takes longer to double. HELP!!!

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Posted at
I think it’s ok since your levels are so high. It probably started slowing down. Mine stopped doubling every 48 hours after 25k. It was still rising but every 72 hours. Doctor said I was ok. I was more worried my levels were so high more so than the doubling.


mr • Feb 22, 2019
My husband will be happy to hear this! Ha!


Bronna • Feb 21, 2019
I just read hcg levels are typically higher in women carrying girls.


Posted at
Your numbers look great girl don't stress it


Posted at
Thanks ladies!!!