Random vomit attacks..


So I don't know how this is going to sound. But it's happened a couple of times in the last couple of weeks. Last night was especially bad. I was about to fall asleep, you know that part where you're pretty much out but easily woken still? Well I basically came to gagging and spitting because the bile and acid and my last meal shot up my throat clear into my nose. I couldn't breath and had to spit it out on the floor by my bed. Got up and made a run for the bathroom for the toilet to catch the rest. I wasn't feeling bad before this, I wasn't nauseated or anything that would indicate that I was going to vomit. It was just there out of nowhere. It happened before this, driving home with my fiance. I could tell it was coming but usually I can time it but with this I couldn't. Like I said, it shoots up so fast it hits my nose, and I even have to blow chunks of whatever I ate last from my nose. Has anyone else been experiencing this, it doesn't seem like normal vomiting, at least nothing I've experienced before.