Hypothyroidism and Breastfeeding?


Hi all,

I come from a family of women who had extreme difficulty with breastfeeding. My mom physically was unable to breastfeed, my sister had to supplement, and with my first I barely produced any milk....even then, the nurses.even said how difficult it was for them to get my milk out, let alone my baby- so I formula fed and tried to pump as much as possible. I would pump both sides throughout the day and barely get 3 oz TOTAL! It was discouraging to say the least. I was a working mom at the time and felt a tremendous amount of pressure to return to work so I didn't pursue anything else to assist in nursing (I went back to work when my midwife cleared me at 5 weeks). When my daughter was first born, her little lip and possible lip tie made it very difficult for her to eat...we had to work with her a lot just to be able to drink from a bottle. It was a really rough first couple of months.

This time around, my situation is changed and I'm now a stay at home mom. I told my hubby I want to do as much as I can to try and nurse...cookies, teas, seeing a lactation consultant frequently, etc. In doing some research this morning, it appears hypothyroidism may affect a women's ability to breastfeed.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Or have have any other recommendations for being successful in nursing this time around?