2nd Beta

So my first beta I had done on the 19th of February (13 days post <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>) at around 11:30AM and my HCG was 50, my progesterone was 29 and then my estradiol was 311. I just had my 2nd beta done this morning at about 7 AM and my HCG came back as 123 and my progesterone had dropped to 18.59. The nurse said she would get with the doctor as soon as he got finished with a surgery and see if he wanted to put me on progesterone. I asked her if my levels looked ok and if they increased enough in 2 days and she said that they look “ok” that it’s just a waiting game because nothing will show up on an ultrasound since I’m only 4wks 1day. I honestly feel defeated. Has anyone else had a similar experience to this? This is our 5th <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> and we have already had 2 miscarriages (my numbers weren’t as high with those as they are now)