does family stay with us or can it be our time?

alright...I am a stress procrastinator. I put things off that stress me out.

cant stress about it if it's out of my mind. 👍

....until it comes time to have to deal with it.

well, I'm due in just 30 days. which means, little man can come anytime he chooses. 🤷‍♀️

so here it goes.......🤐🤐🤐

my mother was at the birth of my daughter.

she drove 12 hours to be there, and made it in time. she stayed with me for about a week.

So this time around, she wants to do the same thing, but stay 2 weeks. I am now married (different father, as its been 7 years since my last baby, and different house etc.)

my husband does not want anyone in the room with us, nor anyone staying with us until we have a little routine going. he wants us to have that precious time together. ♡

but I do not know how to tell my mother this. she has bought a lot of our baby things for us, and she lives so far away....I feel like shes kind of entitled to sharing this time with us.

but I'm 27...I have to support my husband's decision! it is also the decision I want as well.

so our plan is to have the first few weeks together, just us. and then were hoping to be able to drive the 10 hours to spend time with his family (and then drive the extra 2 hours to spend time with mine.)

I sincerely do not want to hurt my mothers feelings, or make her feel heartbroken in any way. my mother in law is super easy going, so I know she will understand completely. but my mother kind of takes everything to heart...

opinions and thoughts? they're greatly appreciated 😁