Emotions failing me. Introducing formula


I'd always had my head set on introducing formula as I started weaning. But 2 months in (and now 11lb 9oz) my emotions are struggling with breastfeeding. I still love the closeness of feeding her but just once a day I find myself crying or very overwhelmed by her feeding. This normally falls in her pm feed prior to bedtime (still dream feeding a later one) . Health visitor knows im bordering PND and i've accepted that. Now I've said I'll give her a bottle in the evening so my husband can be involved too. But why do I now feel as if I'm failing her.

My question really is will my supply get less/used to not feeding her at this time of day?

Is combi feeding like this ok? Just the 1 bottle will eventually drop the dream feed.

She's gaining really well..... if anything a little quick for my liking (11oz a week) will she put more weight on doing it this way?

I don't want to add stress by pumping this feed as I don't feel it takes any stress away.

Sorry for the 1000 q's