Praise God!!!

Noradun • 🌸Due in Sept 2019 with 🌈 after TTC 3.5 yrs with PCOS👣Mommy of 5 💑 Married for 14 yrs👩🏼‍🎓Graduating in 2019 👩🏼‍💻 WFH Mom 🌼

I am so excited!!!! Tonight at 9 wks 5 days I finally heard that precious sound, my babies HB!! I had been trying for the past few weeks and I am not new to this rodeo, I knew not to get worked up not finding it so early, but I admittedly still did! After a MC in October I just needed to hear that precious sound!! Well tonight I decided with my uterus being so high (measuring 16cm or so) maybe I needed to look for baby higher! I did and sure enough baby was much higher then expected (about a hand width or so above my pubic symphysis)! I am so stoked!! After I found it the first time I found it again 30 mins later for Hubby to hear! Praise God this baby is healthy in there!!! That totally eased my nerves!!